Who are Privacy Rebels?

Who are Privacy Rebels?
Photo by Sylwia Bartyzel / Unsplash

We are a group of crypto enthusiasts from different countries and we care about privacy. We were born during NYM Shipyard 2023 and are involved in helping NYM to deliver the best privacy products. We are also running a number of mixnodes to help the network and would appreciate your delegations. Why stake with us?

  • Linux experience since c. 1998
  • Solid expertise in VPS providers - niche, good quality providers only
  • Security is not just a buzz word but actually a lifestyle
  • Active monitoring 24/7 with email notifications

icons8-pakistan-48.png [Pakistan Mixnode]

4 vCPU/8GB DDR4/80GB NVMe/500 Mbit @ 4 TB Moved to Vietnam

icons8-vietnam-48.png Vietnam Mixnode with a backup server

icons8-vietnam-48.png Vietnam Exit Gateway 🥜

icons8-hungary-48.png Hungary Entry Gateway

icons8-chile-48.png Node in Chile with backup server in icons8-uk-48.png

icons8-ukraine-48.pngUkraine Exit Gateway

1 vCPU/2GB DDR4/20GB SSD/∞ @ 2 Gbps Decomissioned