Mint Blockchain - new innovative L2 network for NFTs

Welcome to Mint, L2 blockchain for NFTs

Mint Blockchain is a specific Ethereum L2 solution that is designed to address the specific challenges and opportunities presented by non-fungible tokens (NFTs)[1]. It offers improved scalability, faster transaction processing, and greater accessibility for both users and creators.


Mint Blockchain supports the minting process of NFTs and other digital assets by providing a decentralized Layer 2 network that follows NFT standards. Some use cases for mint blockchain could include creating and trading NFTs, creating virtual world assets, and developing blockchain-based gaming applications [1][2].

Mint Blockchain offers several key features and advantages:


·         Scalability: Mint Blockchain leverages Layer 2 solutions to overcome the scalability limitations of the Ethereum network. This allows for faster and more efficient transaction processing, enabling a higher volume of NFT minting and trading.

·         Cost-Effectiveness: By using Layer 2 technology, Mint Blockchain reduces transaction fees associated with minting and trading NFTs. This makes it more affordable for creators and users to participate in the ecosystem.

·         Accessibility: Mint Blockchain aims to make NFTs more accessible by simplifying the minting process and improving the user experience. It provides user-friendly tools and interfaces that make it easier for both beginners and experienced creators to mint their own NFTs.

·         Community Focus: Mint Blockchain emphasizes community-driven initiatives and governance. It encourages active participation from the community, offers transparency in decision-making, and supports various incentive programs to engage and reward community members. There is a Zealy campaign running with interesting task and roles rewards.

·         Interoperability: Mint Blockchain is designed to be compatible with existing NFT standards and infrastructure. This enables for easy integration with other platforms and ecosystems, enabling increased interoperability and collaboration within the NFT space.

·         Overall, Mint Blockchain aims to address the limitations of the current NFT landscape and provide a more scalable, accessible, and cost-effective solution for minting and trading digital assets.

There are a few innovative and unusual features on Mint blockchain:

·         NIP (NFT Improvement Proposal). Similar to BIP on Bitcoin network and IEP on Ethereum, these are proposals that any developer can initiate. If done, this will make it into NIP Ready NFT on the platform.

·         MRC (Mint Request for Comment). This is voting standard for MINT holders to decide on whether a particular NIP becomes a work-in-progress NFT standard. Once Mint Foundation approves MRC, it officially becomes an open standard.

There will also be a free mint of MINTPASS - which is due to be launched on 10 January 2023, so don’t forget to mark your calendars.



